Thursday, July 17, 2008

Discovery Health...the Mommie Channel

There's a new show called Mother May I on Discovery Health with an irresistible premise. Each half hour follows a subject (young adult female struggling with various facets of her life) as she spends a few days working with a life coach. The life coach sends her tips and assignments via text message. At the end of the few days, the woman meets face-to-face with the source of the guidance, who is none other than her MOTHER! It seems mothers who love to nag--I mean give advice--all the time may actually know what they're talking about!
So it's kind of a mean-spirited show. I feel bad for the duped daughters. Although, after they bring out the mom they do bring out a REAL life coach to offer some professional insight and suggestions (for mother and daughter). And in the end everyone's learned something (hopefully). The daughters will listen to mom with an open mind, and the moms will present their advice in a more detached way. That's what I think the key is to moms coaching daughters.