Sunday, August 10, 2008


The History Channel has a new show called Jurassic Fight Club. Each episode starts with some sort of fossilized dinosaur remains which experts analyze and interpret for us. They concoct a plausible storyline for how those remains got there and the story comes to life with cable-TV-quality CGI graphics. So it's kinda fun and interesting. Anyway, the weird thing is that just as this show is starting, there was a very similar segment on a new episode of Nova Science Now. The PBS Paleontologists pieced together the story of a couple of Mammoth skeletons just as "Dinosaur George" and the others on THC did with the Majungatholus remains.
It's a weird coincidence. And it's happened before. I think there were one or two other shows on PBS with subject matter eerily similar to shows on History. Both channels had shows about how the earth might end. I think on History, it was called Last Days on Earth, and it was a countdown of 7 ways life as we know it on our planet may end. On PBS, it could've been Nova, Nova Science Now...but they talked about the same stuff. And I think PBS did an episode similar to History's Life After People and maybe that show they did on the year 2052? I just remember a couple of those speculation shows being copied on PBS! Usually PBS covers material a bit more compelling than the History and Discovery Channels.

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