Tuesday, February 24, 2009

American Idol Drinking Game

I've put together some rules for an American Idol drinking game. I'm not much of a drinker, but I think it will be fun! Comment any suggestions you have!

"A Drink" = it's up to you, depending on what you're drinking and what your tolerance is. You will probably have a lot of drinks over the course of the episode, so "a drink" should probably be some kind of sip or gulp.

When to take "a drink"...

* Any comments about song selection
* Anyone says "pitchy"
* Simon doesn't understand what Ryan's talking about
* Ryan makes contestants wait til "after the break" for results
* contestant sings directly to judge(s)
* judges are split Simon & Randy vs Paula & Kara
* male sings Stevie, female sings Whitney
* anyone sings a former Idol's song
* anyone forgets the lyrics (take 2 drinks)

*demonstrates how she could have sung it better
*(need more for Kara!)

* "It was just alright for me, dude"
* "You made it your own"
* "I wasn't feelin' it"
* "That song was too big for you"
* "dawg" or "dude" to female, "baby" to male
* "keeping it real" or "good lookin' out"

* "unique"
* punches Simon
* says a contestant looks beautiful
* doesn't like a performance (take 2 drinks)
* stands up during song
* gets "chills" or other physical reaction to performance

* "It was a complete and utter mess"
* feels his man-breasts
* "if I'm being honest..."
* "this is a SINGING competition"
* "karaoke" or "cabaret"
* “Horrible” or any variation of the word (i.e. horrific, horrendous, etc)

If you drink one time for each judge (Randy, Paula & Simon) during one contestant's critique...go ahead and finish off your glass!


This is a fun version I found online...

Rule 1: Anytime Randy says “dog” you have to put your thumb on your head. The last person to do so has to take a drink.

Rule 2: Everytime Simon says “Horrible” or any variation of the word (i.e. horrific, horrendous, etc) it is a social and everyone has to drink.

Rule 3: Everytime someone takes a sip out of a cup, the first person to yell “cup” gets to make whoever they want drink.

Rule 4: When you see a person featured (someone that is about to go before the judges), you pause the show. At this point (starting with one player and working around the room), you choose weather or not the person will make it to Hollywood. If you are correct, you are safe and don’t have to drink. If you are wrong, you have to drink with the other losers who also guessed wrong!

Rule 5: When a person is featured and after you decide whether or not they make it to Hollywood, you get to pick an artist you think they will sing. If they sing that artist, then everyone else in the room has to finish their beer (no matter how much is left) and you get to gloat in all your fantastic glory.


Anonymous said...

I saw mystery and yeah he's a real hottie. But wait till you see Julian Foxx, also a pickup artist. He is effin' gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

You should also drink everytime a judge tells a contestant they are "current" or "relevant". Those are some of their new favorite words.

Jenny said...

Cassie, you're so right!